
The Athenian generals (441/40 BC)

In this page we present the text of a scholiast to Aelius Aristides, who quotes the Atthidographer Androtion because he preserved the list of the Athenian strategoi at Samos. According to Dindorf, the text of the scholion has only eight names. Wilamowitz (De Rhesi scholiis disputatiuncula, Greifswald 1877-78, p. 13) added the names of Glauketes and Kleitophon, while other scholars who consulted the manuscript read the name Lampides Peiraieus before Glauketes Athenaios (see F. Lenz, 'The Athenian strategoi of the Years 441/40 and 433/32', in TAPA 72 (1941), pp. 226-232; P. Harding, Androtion and the Atthis, Oxford 1994, pp. 143-148). For the names of the strategoi of 441/40 BC, see R. Develin, Athenian Officials 684-321 BC, Cambridge 1989, p. 89.

The text of the scholion is aligned with the inscription of the Athenian treaty with Samos of 439/38 BC, where we have the names of the strategoi of that year (for the full text of the stone, see the page on The Athenian generals (439/38 BC)).

For a possible participation of Hipponikos, son of Kallias, as strategos in the Samian War, see Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae 7.137 (328e) (= Eupolis, Flatterers, CAF I fr. 154 pdf_icon).


Greek text (→ English translation)

Highlight corresponding passages

Scholia in Aelium Aristidem 46 (Πρὸς Πλάτωνα ὑπὲρ τῶν τεττάρων) 485 (135.18) Dindorf pdf_icon = Androtion, FGrH 324 F 38


δέκατος αὐτὸς στρατηγῶν] ἀπὸ Θουκυδίδου ἡ μαρτυρία. λέγει γὰρ ἐκεῖνος ‛Περικλῆς ὁ Ξανθίππου δέκατος αὐτὸς στρατηγός.' BD.
ἀποκρύψας τοὺς ἄλλους ἅπαντας στρατηγοὺς] τῶν δέκα στρατηγῶν τῶν ἐν Σάμῳ τὰ ὀνόματα κατὰ Ἀνδροτίωνα (FGrH 324 F 38)· Σωκράτης Ἀναγυράσιος, Σοφοκλῆς ἐν Κολωνοῦ ὁ ποιητὴς, Ἀνδοκίδης Κυδαθηναιεὺς, Κρέων Σκαμβωνίδης, Περικλῆς Χολαργεὺς, Γλαύκων ἐκ Κεραμέων, Καλλίστρατος Ἀχαρνεὺς, Ξενοφῶν Μελιτεύς. BD.

Athenian treaty with Samos
IG I3 48 = M-L 56 (439/38 BC)


fr a-d.41

[στ]ρ̣ατεγ[οὶ ὄμνυον τὸν ℎόρκον ⋮ Σοκράτες Ἐρε]-
⋮ Δεμ[οκλείδες Αἰγείδος ⋮ Φορμίον Πα]-
νδιονίδος ⋮ Χ[․․․․10․․․․ Λεοντίδος ⋮ Περικλ]-
⋮ Γλαύκον Ἀ[καμαντίδος ⋮ Καλλ]ί̣[σστρατος Οἰ]-
[ν]εί̣δος ⋮ Χ̣σ̣ε̣[νοφο̑ν Κεκροπίδο]ς ⋮ Τλεμπ[όλεμος]
[Αἰαντίδος ⋮ ․․․․ Ἀντιοχίδο]ς ⋮ βολὲ ἐ̑ρχε Ἀ̣θ̣[εν]-
[αίοις ℎε̑ι ․․․8․․․․ προ̑τ]ος ἐγραμμάτευε Ῥα-
[μνόσιος. vacat ] vacat



- For the name of Sophokles, see the section on Sophokles' strategia.

- For the strategia of Perikles, see Thuc. 1.116.1 ff.; Diod. Sic. 12.27.1 ff.; Plut., Per. 25.1 ff. (for other sources see R. Develin, Athenian Officials 684-321 BC, Cambridge 1989, p. 90).


English translation (→ Greek text)


Scholia in Aelium Aristidem 46 (Πρὸς Πλάτωνα ὑπὲρ τῶν τεττάρων) 485 (135.18) Dindorf = Androtion, FGrH 324 F 38


As one of the ten generals] the evidence is from Thucydides. In fact he says: “Perikles son of Xanthippos was one of the ten generals.” BD.
Obscuring all the other generals] the names of the ten generals on Samos according to Androtion (FGrH 324 F 38): Sokrates of Anagyrous, Sophokles from Kolonos the poet, Andokides of Kydathenaion, Kreon of Skambonidai, Perikles of Cholargos, Glaukon from Kerameis, Kallistratos of Acharnai, Xenophon of Melite. BD.

Athenian treaty with Samos
IG I3 48 = M-L 56 (439/38 BC)
(trans. adapted from M-L and Fornara)

fr a-d.41
[Ge]nera[ls took the oath ⋮ Sokrates of Ere]-
chtheis ⋮ Dem[okleides of Aigeis ⋮ Phormion of Pa]-
ndionis ⋮ Ch[․․․․10․․․․ of Leontis ⋮ Perikl]-
es ⋮ Glaukon of A[kamantis ⋮ Kall]i[stratos of Oi]-
[n]eis ⋮ Xe[nophon of Kekropi]s ⋮ Tlemp[olemos]
[of Aiantis ⋮ ․․․․ of Antiochi]s ⋮ boule in office for the Ath[en]-
[ians ․․․8․․․․ was fir]st secretary of Rha-
[mnous. vacat ] vacat