Print edition: multiple editions of text re-uses
Collecting text re-uses of lost works is a well-established tradition from the Renaissance onwards. Many collections of fragmentary authors (historians, philosophers, comic and tragic playwrights, etc.) have been published in the last three centuries.
In this page we show the main characteristics of the editions of Istros the Callimachean, which reveal also the use of different editorial criteria and therefore the need of multiple references and concordances:
1) C.G. Lenz - M.C.G. Siebelis (eds.), Phanodemi, Demonis, Clitodemi atque Istri Ἀτθίδων et reliquorum librorum fragmenta, Lipsiae 1812, pp. 49-80 (☞)
2) K. Müller - Th. Müller (eds.), Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum, I, Paris 1846, pp. 418-427 (☞)
3) F. Jacoby (ed.), Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, 3b (Supplement), Leiden 1950 (FGrHist 334) (☞)
4) M. Berti (ed.), Istro il Callimacheo, I, Testimonianze e frammenti su Atene e sull'Attica, Tivoli (Roma) 2009 (☞)
1) C.G. Lenz - M.C.G. Siebelis (eds.), Phanodemi, Demonis, Clitodemi atque Istri Ἀτθίδων et reliquorum librorum fragmenta, Lipsiae 1812 (pp. 49-80)
This is the first edition of the fragments of Istros. As it is possible to see in the screenshot, the fragments are collected by Istros' works (e.g., Ἀττικά) and each fragment is commented in Latin by the two editors Lenz and Siebelis. The edition collects text re-uses of other authors (Phanodemos, Demon, and Kleidemos) and a general introduction (pp. vi-xxxviii) presents their historical contribution. The book includes an index rerum et verborum (pp. 93-98).
2) K. Müller - Th. Müller (eds.), Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum, I, Paris 1846 (pp. 418-427)
This volume is part of the first collection of Greek fragmentary historians (= FHG) and the fragments are arranged by authors (in chronological order) and works. Each fragment is translated into Latin at the bottom of the page and sometimes is accompanied by brief comments below the Greek text. When the information is available the fragments are arranged by books and each fragment has a number.
The standard reference to a fragment published in this collection is, e.g., Istros FHG I 419 fr. 7 (volume 1, page 419, fragment 7).
3) F. Jacoby (ed.), Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, 3b (Supplement), Leiden 1950 (pp. 168-186) (limited preview)
This volume is part of the second collection of Greek fragmentary historians ever published (= FGrHist). Authors are collected by genres and the fragments are arranged by authors and works. The fragments are also classified as testimonia (T) and fragmenta (F)*. Each author and each fragment has a number. The editor does not translate the fragments, but provides a critical apparatus for each of them. Two separate volumes contains commentaries and notes on the fragments. The volumes containing the text of the fragments includes also tables of concordances.
The standard reference to a fragment published in this collection is, e.g., FGrHist 334 F 17 (author 334, fragment 17).
* Testimonia (T) are information about fragmentary authors, such as place and date of birth, work titles, work contents, etc.;
Fragmenta (F) describe every form of text re-use of works that do not otherwise survive.
4) M. Berti (ed.), Istro il Callimacheo, I, Testimonianze e frammenti su Atene e sull'Attica, Tivoli (Roma) 2009 (limited preview)
This is the last edition of the fragments of Istros. The volume is entirely devoted to this author and it is part of the series "I Frammenti degli Storici Greci" (FStGr). The fragments are classified as testimonia (T) and fragmenta (F) and each of them is translated into Italian and is provided with witnesses and loci paralleli, a critical apparatus, and an extended commentary. For an analysis of the characteristics of this volume see Print edition: static hypertext. This book is the only monograph devoted to Istros after the dissertation of Maximilian Wellmann (De Istro Callymachio, Gryphiswaldiae 1886).
The standard reference to a fragment published in this collection is, e.g., Istro F 12 Berti.